Sunday, November 30, 2008


Starting anything is hard, well, it can be. I am trying very hard to break through each day to the next. To do that, it requires that I create something, anything. For me, creating is synonymous with making - make your bed, make your coffee, write a letter, knit a scarf, laugh, make someone smile... It all takes a great deal of effort and I'm doing the best that I can.

Right now, I am starting this little blog. Perhaps it will push me forward to do more, to be more. I will admit that the passion with which my life began has more than dissipated. I look back and find that so much of myself has changed but the thing that remains is my desire to be creative. To quilt, tat, embroider, knit, sew, cook, write and dream.

And so I hope to begin again. Creating anew. The world is waiting. I guess I've got a little bit more to do...